Share your Medicare story

Millions of seniors and people with disabilities are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans; far too often, they end up getting hurt by the corporate insurers that run these plans. Firms like Humana, Aetna, and UnitedHealth have shown a willingness to delay and deny care, restrict the choice of doctor or hospital, and demand outrageous out-of-pocket payments from the sickest patients.

Groundbreaking report on corporate insurers harming seniors

Physicians for a National Health Program has published a blockbuster new report, Taking Advantage: How Corporate Health Insurers Harm America’s Seniors.” This report paints a clear picture of how Medicare Advantage insurers harm everyday beneficiaries while padding the corporate bottom line. It also includes powerful stories from patients and medical professionals.

Over 1,200 people tuned in to a webinar on June 3, 2024 to hear some of those stories—plus an inspirational message from U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren on the importance of getting involved and fighting back against corporate profiteering.

Watch the “Taking Advantage” webinar

Dr. Zachary Pellis tells his Medicare DisAdvantage story

Ready to take action? Write a letter to the editor about your personal experience with delays, denials, or surprise bills in Medicare Advantage. You may also wish to call your member of Congress at (202) 224-3121 and urge them to both crack down on Medicare Advantage profiteering and make necessary improvements to the Traditional Medicare program. Questions? Email