So-called Medicare “Advantage” plans allow health insurance corporations to delay and deny care, and to restrict our choice of doctors. This hurts seniors and people with disabilities who rely on Medicare each and every day.
Health insurance corporations are delaying, denying and restricting medical care. This harms seniors on Medicare and the doctors who care for them.
Meet with your Representative
Sit down with your Member of Congress and ask them to side with patients, not with corporate health insurers.
Sign Our Medicare Petition
Join us in demanding that Congress and President Biden crack down on insurance company abuses.
Take Our Medicare Survey
We want to hear from you! Our survey is open to those on Traditional Medicare as well as Medicare Advantage.
Dr. Ed Weisbart warns us about corporate health insurance
Building on the promise of Traditional Medicare
For decades, health insurance corporations have chipped away at the Traditional Medicare program. Today, more than half of seniors are enrolled in a so-called “Medicare Advantage” plan. These plans make health insurance corporations very rich by delaying and denying medically necessary care and limiting patients’ choice of doctor. Enough is enough! We need to push back on corporate profiteering and demand improvements to Traditional Medicare like dental, vision, and hearing benefits; zero premiums; and an out-of-pocket maximum.
Read our one-page fact sheet on Medicare Advantage
Seniors and people with disabilities are fighting to heal Medicare
Sign and share our petition
Join thousands of advocates who have demanded that Congress and the Biden administration heal Medicare by cracking down on insurance company abuses, and by making significant improvements to the traditional, public Medicare program. Add your voice today!