Frequently Asked Questions

In order to neutralize the anti-single payer position of the American Medical Association, and eventually win support for Medicare for All, we must focus on building power within the AMA. The following resources will help you learn more about the inner workings of the organization.

Curious about our overall strategy to move the AMA? Check out medical student Kevin Rymut providing an overview of how Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) has been working to make the next AMA neutralization vote a success. And learn more from Dr. Andrea DeSantis about the organizing potential of single-payer member interest groups within your state or specialty medical society.

Wondering how to navigate the resolutions process within your state medical society? See below for a series of success stories from Dr. Jane Katz Field (Vermont), Dr. Stephen Kemble (Hawaii), and medical student Donald Bourne (Pennsylvania).

Ready to take action? Sign up for our resolutions campaign and join forces with PNHP members in your medical society. Together, you’ll help push the medical profession towards enthusiastic and active support of single payer. Questions? Email